Personal Injury News

Bedsore Lawyers: The Unsung Heroes in the Fight Against Elder Abuse

Written by MARIO PALERMO | Nov 5, 2023 7:55:00 PM

Many people believe that personal injury lawyers exclusively handle cases like car accidents, but they can also represent clients in various other types of cases, particularly those related to hospital neglect and medical malpractice.

Bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are a silent epidemic among our elderly population. These painful lesions develop when someone is unable to change positions regularly and sustained pressure cuts off circulation to the skin and soft tissue. Bedsores most commonly form on the tailbone, hips, heels, ankles, shoulders and back of the head. They can range from mild redness to severe open wounds exposing muscle and bone.

Proper care is essential to treat bedsores effectively, especially when addressing different stages of bedsores, to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient. Bedsores can rapidly escalate from mild irritation to life-threatening wounds if left untreated. Pressure cuts off blood circulation to the skin, causing tissue injury. Without blood supply, the affected area dies. Even Stage 1 sores where the skin remains intact can deteriorate into Stage 4 bedsores with extensive dead tissue and bone exposure if neglected.

Common complications from severe bedsores include:

- Bone and Joint Infections: Bacteria from dead tissue can spread into the bone, causing osteomyelitis. Joints may also become infected. Treatment requires aggressive IV antibiotics and possible surgery.

- Bloodstream Infections: Bacteria can break off from bedsore wounds and enter the bloodstream, leading to sepsis. This systemic infection causes organ failure, shock and death if not treated promptly.

- Cancer: Longstanding bedsores can develop into an aggressive skin cancer called Marjolin’s ulcer. Early treatment is critical, often requiring extensive surgery and skin grafts.

- Hospitalization: Severe bedsores usually require hospital admission for wound care, infection treatment, and surgery. Patients become immobilized leading to further health issues.

Bedsores often occur in nursing home facilities and healthcare settings due to neglect and inadequate care. These painful sores develop when parts of the body, usually over bony areas, are subjected to prolonged pressure and friction over an extended period. Nursing home staff must regularly reposition residents with limited mobility to alleviate pressure and promote proper blood flow. The use of specialized mattresses and cushions is also crucial in preventing bedsores. When nursing home staff fails to move or provide proper care, patients can develop these painful ulcers, leading to potential medical malpractice claims. It is vital for nursing homes and assisted living facilities to prioritize the well-being of their residents by implementing protocols to prevent bedsores and ensuring that their staff adheres to best practices in pressure sore prevention.

Although nursing home patients are at high risk, seniors can develop bedsores at home too if caregivers fail to follow proper protocols. Beyond the acute pain and increased infection risk, bedsores can have life-altering consequences. Severe bedsores may require surgery and extended hospitalization. Patients become less mobile which leads to further health complications. Bedsores can even prove fatal.

When bedsores occur

When bedsores occur, it’s critical that the injuries are documented and reported. Photographs should be taken regularly to track progression. While early stage bedsores can often be reversed with proper treatment, capture images provide proof of the initial wound. This evidence can be invaluable if litigation becomes necessary later on.

Bedsore lawyers are warriors in the battle against elder abuse. They give voice to the voiceless and shine a harsh light on unacceptable neglect. Successful litigation can force care facilities to improve policies and procedures. Financial penalties send a message that substandard care will not be tolerated. Lawsuits can even inspire legislative changes to better protect seniors.

Insurance companies often fight paying bedsore claims. They may deny the bedsore resulted from neglect, blaming underlying conditions like diabetes or paralysis instead. Insurers claim proper protocols were followed, or that the bedsore is a pre-existing condition excluded from coverage.

Families face an uphill battle appealing denials alone. That's why finding an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial. Seasoned lawyers understand common insurance defenses. They work with wound care specialists to document bedsore progression. Medical records are scoured to show negligence. Litigation-savvy attorneys know when and how to negotiate with insurers, or proceed to trial if needed.

Finding the right lawyer for bedsore cases takes research. Review their background, experience with similar cases, and results obtained. Be sure they have pursued bedsore litigation and taken cases to trial aggressively in the past. A track record of favorable settlements and verdicts is a positive sign. Equally important is an attorney who connects with clients on a human level. Fighting bedsore injustice requires compassion as well as legal skill.

Litigation is never the first option. Families should always try to resolve bedsore issues directly with caregivers or facility management. However, too often these good faith efforts are ignored. Facilities downplay bedsore injuries or blame “unavoidable” factors. They may promise better care but then fail to follow through on reforms. Families who push back often find themselves barred from visiting their loved ones.

When self-advocacy fails, bedsore lawyers are critical allies. The legal process is complex, requiring expert evidence on the standard of care. An experienced attorney knows how to prove bedsores resulted from neglect rather than any underlying medical condition. They can navigate state reporting requirements and complex filing deadlines. Litigation is always a last resort, but for families who have exhausted other options, bedsore lawyers even the playing field. Plus, many of them offer a free case evaluation.

The steely resolve of bedsore lawyers shields families from retaliation. Long term care facilities hold nearly all the cards. Seniors often have no choice but to stay in a subpar nursing home. Rocking the boat by complaining about bedsores can make matters worse, with the senior suffering reprisals. Lawyers act as tireless advocates, pushing forward no matter the obstacles thrown up.

During litigation, the lawyer’s primary role is building an ironclad case. This requires meticulous documentation of the bedsore timeline and related medical records. Photographs and detailed wound measurements are vital. The attorney engages independent experts to analyze the bedsore’s origin and severity. Testimony from caregivers, family and others provides insights on the senior’s condition and treatment.

Depositions allow bedsore lawyers to interview potentially responsible parties under oath. They ask probing questions about policies, procedures, schedules, staffing ratios and training. Even a single contradictory or vague answer can unravel flawed defenses. Skilled questioning exposes willful ignorance and systematic failures.

These exhaustive investigations allow bedsore lawyers to construct an accurate picture of the reality within a care facility. The case they build methodically reveals the human pain behind the bedsore statistics. When facilities refuse to take responsibility, litigation is the only avenue for justice.

Through depositions and discovery motions, bedsore lawyers pierce the veil of secrecy that shields neglectful facilities. Nursing homes require incoming patients to sign arbitration agreements, depriving them of jury trials for any disputes. Facilities claim state reporting requirements on bedsores and injuries are “suggestions” rather than mandates. Vague legal language often protects them from liability.

Successful bedsore lawyers fight back against these systemic barriers. They argue arbitration clauses signed by legally incompetent seniors are invalid. State reporting laws contain specific language facilities must follow. No statute or contract should protect those who allow vulnerable seniors to suffer harm. With passionate advocacy and legal acumen, lawyers can defeat systemic negligence.

Settlements and verdicts provide financial restitution for bedsore victims. More importantly, they spur change. No facility wants the scrutiny of a bedsore trial or headlines publicizing horrific neglect. The fear of litigation motivates them to implement reforms. Knowingly permitting bedsores becomes a financial liability rather than standard practice.

Ongoing oversight is necessary to ensure reforms actually occur. Seasoned lawyers continue monitoring facilities post-settlement and will not hesitate to take further legal action if neglect recurs. When financial penalties are severe enough, executives implement real change.

Bedsore litigation also reverberates throughout the long term care industry. Major verdicts make national news, tarnishing reputations. Facilities across the country take notice. Large settlements embolden other victims to come forward and hold negligent caregivers accountable. Positive reforms at one nursing home set new standards across the industry. Some of the biggest awards for bedsore and neglect cases include:

-$350 million jury award for neglect at a California facility resulting in bedsores, malnutrition and death. One of the largest elder abuse verdicts in U.S. history.

-$229 million plaintiff award for neglect at a nursing home chain encompassing multiple facilities.

-$114 million jury verdict against a nurse staffing agency for understaffing leading to severe bedsores.

-$30 million class action settlement on behalf of thousands of patients who developed bedsores at a hospital chain’s nursing homes.

These outsized verdicts capture headlines, but bedsore lawyers also pursue smaller cases with equal dedication. Their advocacy helps even low-income families obtain justice. For victims, it’s about taking a stand against the facility that turned a blind eye to their suffering.

Bedsore lawsuits empower real people, not just seek huge payouts. The grandfather whose stage 4 bedsores went untreated until they turned gangrenous. The grandmother left wallowing in her own waste until bedsores rotted down to the bone. Real lives hang in the balance.

Behind the legal arguments and horse trading, bedsore lawyers never forget the human suffering. They sit with crying family members who only wanted their beloved elder to live out their golden years with dignity. They hold clients’ hands as they share stories and photographs of the once vibrant person now reduced to a listless shell.

This righteous fire fuels bedsore lawyers as they battle formidable opponents. Nursing homes have teams of experienced attorneys ready to defend neglect. But righteous fire can melt even the strongest defenses. Families of bedsore victims put their trust in these lawyers to fight for justice when no one else will.

Litigation succeeds best when nursing homes work to promptly settle cases. Lengthy court battles benefit no one and non-disclosure agreements allow facilities to hide systemic problems. Families gain nothing from protracted legal wrangling that trades their loved one’s dignity for a marginal increase in settlement dollars.

The optimal outcome includes an upfront apology, fair financial restitution, and a collaborative reform plan. Preventing future cases benefits both sides more than defending past actions. Since bedsore lawsuits often focus on punishing transgressions, openings for settlement become roadblocks.

Truly victim-centered counsel retains empathy amid the legal posturing. Compassionate listening provides the opportunity for change. Bedsore lawyers who open their hearts as well as briefcases can soften hardened defenses. Non-adversarial negotiation focused on understanding rather than blaming fosters constructive solutions.

Most facilities aim to provide quality care despite challenging circumstances. All parties share the goal of preventing bedsores from harming vulnerable seniors. Collaborative settlement discussions could improve practices and avoid future lawsuits. But injected with empathy, the retrospective focus of litigation can become a prospective path to progress.

Pre-trial settlement also spares bedsore victims added stress and trauma. Nothing can undo their injuries or erase painful memories. Yet healing happens through forgiveness, not prolonged confrontation. When plaintiffs’ lawyers model compassion along with conviction, they set the tone for reconciliation.

At their core, bedsore cases represent a broken trust. Seniors and their families entrust care facilities to nourish their physical health, mental well-being and human dignity. Bedsores expose the most defenseless members of our community suffering needless harm in places supposedly dedicated to their well-being. Lawsuits provide the only mechanism to repair that broken trust.

Yet litigation can also deepen divides between plaintiffs and defendants. Both sides may devolve into caricatures— greedy trial lawyers versus heartless corporate bureaucrats. Nuance and understanding fade away.

Truly victim-centered counsel understands that a bedsore case represents not just financial compensation but validation of the elderly person’s worth. Their role is fighting for not only verdicts but also for values. Upholding the fundamental dignity of each individual transcends any legal or financial outcome.

Unlike nameless plaintiffs in class actions who gain leverage through aggregate force, bedsore victims share intimate and heartbreaking details about how negligence impacted their lives. Lawyers acting with compassion become conduits for change instead of faceless players in the legal system. They transform an impersonal process by infusing it with humanity.

Bedsores result from a health care system that fosters an assembly line mentality in senior care. Some facilities treat at-risk patients as little more than widget inputs moving along a conveyor belt. The output becomes bedsores, injuries and emotional devastation.

Litigation provides the only way to jump off that merciless conveyor belt. Financial penalties hit care facilities where it hurts, in their bank accounts. When big verdicts make the evening news, they prompt discussions in boardrooms and policy changes.

But punishment alone just engenders resentment and resistance. Lasting solutions require policymakers, caregivers and bedsore lawyers to align around the shared goal of nurturing human dignity. Turning the tide on elder neglect will involve both legislation and litigation.

Forward-looking bedsore lawyers act as more than case-builders tallying wins and losses. They serve as counselors, helping clients and families process their trauma. Their meticulous work uncovers systemic failures. Cases won set legal precedents and fuel reforms. Out-of-court settlements allow collaborative solutions before positions harden.

Stories of neglect shock our collective conscience. But positive change happens through more than public outrage. Progress requires a steadfast commitment to fight for the equal value of every life. Litigation and advocacy must continue until respect and compassion dictates care for our elders. Financial compensation plays only a small role; the true prize is a society where human dignity and justice reign.

Other forms of elder abuse

Bedsore lawyers labor largely in anonymity. The private agony of clients rarely makes headlines. But increasing awareness and righting wrongs makes progress happen. Slowly, silently, bedsore by bedsore, these lawyers absolve our communal conscience. They speak for those without a voice, moving us toward a more just and caring society. Bedsores are just one symptom of the silent epidemic of elder abuse within the long-term care system. Studies estimate one third of nursing home residents suffer neglect ranging from bedsores to physical or emotional abuse. Isolated with minimal outside contact, seniors have little recourse. Common types of nursing home abuse include:

- Preventable Bedsores - Failing to reposition immobile seniors leads to painful lesions. Ignoring worsening bedsores causes injuries down to the bone.

- Dehydration and Malnutrition - Not assisting with eating or drinking results in malnutrition, organ failure and even death.

- Medication Errors - Staff overwhelmed by patient loads makes frequent medication mistakes leading to overdoses and dangerous interactions.

- Unsanitary Conditions - Limited staff and care causes seniors to lie in soiled clothing and bedding for hours, increasing infection risks.

- Emotional Abuse - Overworked staff yells at, threatens or mocks frail seniors, leading to fear and trauma.

- Physical Abuse - Frustrated employees handle seniors roughly when transferring or bathing them, causing bruises, sprains and broken bones.

- Sexual Abuse - Predatory staff takes advantage of physically or cognitively impaired seniors who cannot give consent or report offenses.

Warning signs of systemic abuse include bedsores, unusual bruising, weight loss, withdrawal and fearfulness. Family should raise concerns assertively, contact ombudsmen, report abuses to state agencies and pursue legal advocacy if needed. Abuse thrives in secrecy and silence. Speaking out exposes patterns of neglect and forces change.

Litigation helps families cut through bureaucracies to uncover abuse and neglect. Depositions, investigations and discovery obtain insider information often hidden by facilities. Financial penalties via litigation hit negligent nursing homes where it hurts - their bottom line. Lawsuits also give victims and families a voice when regulators fail to act.

Combating elder abuse requires vigilance from families along with legal advocacy. Our seniors and loved ones deserve to live their final years with dignity. We must hold profit-driven facilities accountable when they ignore human suffering in their pursuit of efficiency and cost savings. Justice requires speaking truth to indifference and compassion to counter cruelty. The epidemic of elder neglect will only end when we all demand human rights over financial bottom lines.

The excruciating pain of advanced bedsores is hard to overstate. Think of an untreated diabetic ulcer on your foot, and then imagine the sensation spread across your entire body. Helpless seniors left for hours in damp bedding or soiled diapers develop bedsores on their tailbones, hips, ankles, heels, elbows, and shoulders. For those slumped over in wheelchairs, sores concentrate on the spine and back of head.

My clients are real people who have endured unspeakable suffering from neglected bedsores. The grandfather whose stage 4 wound tunneled down through muscle and tendon until blackened bone was visible. The paraplegic veteran abandoned in soaked sheets for endless days as bedsores ate through flesh to expose his hip bones. The grandmother left wallowing in her own waste, whimpering as nurses ignored the festering bedsores devouring her heels one blood stained bandage at a time.

Behind each bedsore is a life story and a voice that has gone unheard. My mission is giving voice to the voiceless.

The human toll caused by bedsores cannot be measured in mere money. Nevertheless, successful legal advocacy provides two crucial forms of justice: financial compensation for victims, and systemic reforms to protect others from similar harms. I have seen numerous clients gain both from litigation against neglectful facilities.

Yet every bedsore lawsuit begins as a personal tragedy. Early on, families simply want their loved one’s wounds treated and their pain eased. They place good faith and trust in caregivers to provide compassionate care. Too often, that trust is betrayed.

Combating elder abuse requires vigilance from families along with legal advocacy. Our seniors and loved ones deserve to live their final years with dignity. We must hold profit-driven facilities accountable when they ignore human suffering in their pursuit of efficiency and cost savings. Justice requires speaking truth to indifference and compassion to counter cruelty. The epidemic of elder neglect will only end when we all demand human rights over financial bottom lines.

Moving forward

As a personal injury lawyer specializing in cases related to nursing home neglect and bedsores, I want you to know that I'm here to provide guidance and support during your time of need. At our law firm, we offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and legal rights. Our bedsore attorneys are dedicated to helping victims and their families seek justice when negligence in nursing homes results in painful and preventable injuries. It's essential to remember that there is a statute of limitations for injury cases, so it's crucial to act promptly.

By contacting our law office and establishing an attorney-client relationship, we can begin to navigate your case and offer you the legal advice you need. Whether you're pursuing a personal injury claim or seeking justice for a wrongful death, we're here for you. 

To contact our office, call (630)684-2332 or visit our website at