Personal Injury News

Understanding Dizziness After a Car Accident: Causes, Symptoms, and Legal Implications

Written by MARIO PALERMO | Mar 27, 2024 12:58:16 PM


As an Illinois plaintiff’s personal injury attorney, I have represented numerous clients who experienced dizziness after a car accident. This seemingly minor symptom can sometimes indicate more serious underlying injuries and can have significant legal and medical implications.

Causes of Dizziness After a Car Accident

Dizziness following a car crash can stem from various causes, ranging from minor to severe. Some of the most common causes include the following types of injuries or conditions:

Whiplash Injury: The sudden jerking motion of the head during an accident can lead to a neck injury called whiplash, causing neck pain and sometimes affecting the brain. Some additional symptoms of whiplash include vertigo symptoms, most commonly in the form of BPPV, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. These symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, or even loss of balance.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Even a mild concussion can cause dizziness, indicating a potential brain injury. head trauma, head movements, spinal cord, blood flow, temporal bone,

Inner Ear Damage: The inner ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance. A car accident can cause damage to this area, leading to vertigo or dizziness.

Blood Pressure Fluctuations: The stress and trauma of an accident can lead to temporary changes in blood pressure, causing episodes of dizziness.

Psychological Factors: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety stemming from the motor vehicle accident can also manifest as physical symptoms, including dizziness.

Symptoms Accompanying Dizziness

Dizziness after a car accident might be accompanied by other symptoms, which can provide further clues about the underlying cause:

Nausea and Vomiting: Often associated with inner ear disturbances or concussions.

Headaches: Can indicate a concussion or other head injuries.

Blurred Vision: May accompany dizziness in cases of severe whiplash or TBI.

Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus): Can indicate inner ear damage or a concussion.

Cognitive Changes: Such as memory loss or difficulty concentrating, suggesting a more serious brain injury.

Real-Life Examples

Case Study 1: The Delayed Onset of Symptoms

John, a 45-year-old accountant, was rear-ended at a stop sign. Initially feeling fine, he declined medical attention. However, hours later, John began experiencing severe dizziness and headaches. An MRI revealed a mild concussion. John's case underscores the importance of immediate medical evaluation, even when symptoms are not immediately apparent.

Case Study 2: Misattributed Symptoms

Emily, a 32-year-old teacher, experienced dizziness and balance issues after a minor collision. Her initial doctor attributed these symptoms to stress. Persisting symptoms led to further evaluation, revealing a vestibular injury. Emily's case highlights the need for thorough medical assessments and the potential for misdiagnosis.

Immediate Steps to Take If You Experience Dizziness After a Car Accident

If you experience dizziness after a car accident, taking immediate steps is crucial for your health and any potential legal action:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Visit the emergency room or your doctor as soon as possible. Explain that you were in a car accident, and describe all your symptoms, including dizziness.
  2. Follow Up: If symptoms persist or worsen, seek further medical evaluation. Some injuries may not be apparent immediately after the accident.
  3. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of your hospital visits, medical treatments, and how your symptoms affect your daily life. This documentation is crucial for any potential legal claim.
  4. Report the Accident: File a police report and notify your insurance company. However, be cautious about providing detailed statements or accepting quick settlements, especially before fully understanding the extent of your car accident injuries.
  5. Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney: If your dizziness is linked to an injury caused by the accident, consulting with a personal injury attorney (for free! - I’ve included a more in depth discussion of a  contingency based fee structure below) can help protect your rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and any related suffering.

Experiencing dizziness after a car accident can be indicative of various underlying issues, some of which may be serious. Neglecting to seek medical attention promptly can lead to a range of complications, exacerbating the initial injury and potentially leading to long-term consequences. Here's a deeper dive into what can happen if dizziness after a car accident is not evaluated and treated by a healthcare professional:

Consequences of Untreated Dizziness

  1. Worsening Symptoms: Without proper diagnosis and treatment options, the underlying cause of the dizziness can worsen. This could mean more severe symptoms, longer recovery times, and the potential for permanent damage.
  2. Increased Risk of Falls and Further Injury: Dizziness can significantly impair balance and coordination, increasing the risk of falls. This is especially concerning for the elderly or those with pre-existing mobility issues, as falls can lead to serious injuries such as fractures.
  3. Impact on Daily Life: Persistent dizziness can affect your ability to perform daily tasks, work, and engage in social activities. This can lead to a decrease in overall quality of life and may impact your mental health.
  4. Chronic Conditions: Leaving the underlying cause of dizziness untreated can lead to chronic conditions. For example, untreated TBIs can lead to long-term cognitive and physical impairments.
  5. Complications in Legal and Insurance Claims: If you're considering a personal injury claim, failing to seek medical attention can complicate the process. Insurance companies and courts often rely on medical records to verify the extent of injuries and their impact on your life. A lack of medical documentation can weaken your case and potentially reduce the compensation you might receive.

The Importance of Medical Evaluation

Given the potential consequences, it's crucial to see a doctor immediately if you experience dizziness after a car accident, even if you feel it's minor. A healthcare professional can:

- Conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause of the dizziness.

- Provide a treatment plan to manage and mitigate symptoms.

- Refer you to specialists if necessary, such as neurologists or ENT doctors.

- Document your condition, which is essential if you need to make a legal or insurance claim related to the accident.

In summary, dizziness after a car accident should never be ignored. It can be a sign of underlying injuries that, without prompt and appropriate medical intervention, could lead to significant health complications and impact your ability to seek compensation for your injuries. Always prioritize your health and wellbeing following an accident and consult with a healthcare professional to ensure any potential injuries are adequately addressed.

Working With a Lawyer on a Contingency Basis After a Car Accident

Hiring a lawyer to represent you on a contingency basis is a financial arrangement particularly common in the field of personal injury law. This arrangement allows individuals who have suffered harm due to someone else's negligence to pursue legal action without the upfront financial burden typically associated with hiring legal representation. Here's a detailed explanation of what it means to hire a lawyer on a contingency basis:

The Contingency Fee Agreement

No Upfront Costs: When a personal injury lawyer represents you on a contingency basis, it means you do not pay any upfront fees for their legal advice and services. This arrangement is crucial for many clients who might not have the resources to afford an attorney otherwise.

 Percentage-Based Fees: Instead of hourly billing or a flat fee, the lawyer's payment is contingent upon the successful resolution of your case—either through a settlement with the opposing party or a court award. The lawyer's fees are then calculated as a percentage of the total amount recovered. This percentage is agreed upon at the outset of the representation and is typically outlined in a written contingency fee agreement.

Alignment of Interests: This arrangement aligns the lawyer's interests with those of the client. Since the lawyer's payment depends on the successful outcome of the case, they are motivated to achieve the best possible result for the client.

Benefits of Contingency Fee Representation

Risk Mitigation: One of the primary benefits of a contingency fee arrangement is the mitigation of financial risk for the client. If the case is not successful, the client does not owe the lawyer for their time spent on the case. This aspect makes legal representation accessible to those who might otherwise be unable to afford it.

 Access to Justice: Contingency fees provide a pathway to justice for individuals who have been injured or wronged but lack the financial means to engage in costly legal battles against often well-resourced defendants, such as large corporations or insurance companies.

Encourages Meritorious Claims: Lawyers who work on a contingency basis are typically selective about the cases they take on, often choosing to represent cases with a reasonable chance of success. This selectivity ensures that resources are devoted to claims that are just and have merit.

Considerations and Client Responsibilities

Case Expenses: While the attorney's fees are contingent upon a successful outcome, there may still be case-related expenses such as court filing fees, costs to obtain medical records, and expenses related to expert witnesses. It's essential that the contingency fee agreement clearly outlines how these expenses are handled. In some arrangements, the lawyer might advance these costs, to be reimbursed from the settlement or award.

Clear Communication: A clear and detailed contingency fee agreement is crucial to establish a transparent relationship between the client and the lawyer. The agreement should outline the percentage fee, how expenses are handled, and any other terms related to the representation.

Final Settlement Approval: Even though the lawyer negotiates the settlement, the client retains the ultimate authority to accept or reject settlement offers. The lawyer's role is to provide guidance and advice based on their expertise.

In summary, hiring a lawyer on a contingency basis provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to seek legal redress for their injuries without the initial financial barrier. This arrangement not only facilitates access to legal services but also ensures that the lawyer is fully committed to achieving the best possible outcome for their client.

Importance of Early Consultation

Consulting with an Illinois personal injury attorney immediately after being injured in a car accident is crucial for several compelling reasons. Not only does this ensure that your rights are protected, but it also sets the foundation for a potentially stronger legal claim. Here's a deeper look into the importance of early consultation and what the process entails when hiring a contingency-based personal injury attorney.

  1. Preservation of Evidence: The success of a personal injury claim often hinges on the availability and quality of evidence. An attorney can guide you in preserving crucial evidence, including witness statements, medical reports, and scene documentation, which might be harder to collect as time passes.
  2. Legal Guidance: Illinois law, like that of many states, has specific statutes of limitations for filing personal injury claims. An attorney can advise you on these deadlines and ensure that your claim is filed within the legal time frames.
  3. Dealing with Insurance Companies: Insurance adjusters are skilled at minimizing payouts. An attorney can handle communications with insurance companies, helping to protect you from tactics that might undermine your claim.
  4. Accurate Valuation of Your Claim: An experienced attorney can assess the full extent of your damages, including current and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more, to ensure that any settlement offer or verdict is fair and comprehensive.
  5. Peace of Mind: Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. Consulting an attorney early in the process can provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your recovery while your legal rights and interests are being advocated for.

Consulting with a personal injury attorney promptly after a car accident and understanding the process of working with a contingency-based attorney can significantly influence the outcome of your legal claim. It ensures that your case is handled professionally and diligently, with a focus on securing the maximum compensation to which you are entitled, all while minimizing the financial risks associated with pursuing legal action.

Working With Palermo Law Group

In the aftermath of a car accident, experiencing dizziness can be a concerning symptom, potentially indicating underlying injuries such as a traumatic brain injury or whiplash. Seeking prompt medical attention is crucial to accurately diagnose and treat any injuries sustained. However, navigating the legal aspects of an auto accident can be equally daunting, especially for car accident victims. That's where Palermo Law Group comes in. 

Our experienced team of car accident lawyers understands the complexities of these cases and is dedicated to advocating for the rights of car accident victims. From conducting thorough investigations to holding at-fault drivers accountable, we provide unwavering support and legal guidance every step of the way. If you've been injured in a car accident, don't hesitate to reach out to Palermo Law Group for a free consultation. We're here to help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.