Personal Injury News

Facial Degloving Injury: Causes, Treatment Options, and Legal Considerations

Written by MARIO PALERMO | Aug 16, 2023 7:39:15 PM

A facial degloving injury is a traumatic and severe form of injury that can have devastating consequences for the victims. This article explores the causes, treatment options, and legal considerations surrounding facial degloving injuries. A facial degloving injury occurs when the skin and soft tissue of the face are forcibly separated from the underlying muscles, bones, and other structures. This type of injury often requires immediate medical attention and can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges for the affected individuals.

What is a facial degloving injury?

A facial degloving injury is a serious and potentially life-threatening trauma that involves the forcible separation of the skin and soft tissues from the underlying structures of the face. This type of injury can be categorized into two main types: open degloving injury and closed degloving injury. In open degloving injuries, the skin and underlying tissues are torn away due to significant force, resulting in avulsion injuries to blood vessels, nerves, and other connective tissues. This can lead to severe blood loss, tissue necrosis, and heightened risk of infection. Closed degloving injuries, although less severe, can still cause damage to blood vessels and subcutaneous tissue, often accompanied by lacerations and soft-tissue injuries.

In both cases, facial degloving injuries pose serious risks, including potential traumatic brain injury if the head is impacted during the incident. The mandible, or lower face and jawbone, is particularly susceptible to damage in these injuries. Immediate medical attention is crucial to assess the extent of damage, control bleeding, and perform necessary suturing and repair of the affected skin flaps and tissues. These injuries require a multidisciplinary approach, involving plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and other medical professionals, to minimize the risks of complications and ensure optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes. Degloving injuries can also happen in other places of the body, including the lower extremities. In severe degloving injuries, amputation may be required.

Causes of Facial Degloving Injury

Facial degloving injuries typically occur due to high-energy impact incidents, such as car accidents, industrial accidents, falls from heights, and sports-related injuries. The forceful trauma applied to the face can result in the skin and soft tissues being torn away from the underlying structures. Common scenarios that lead to facial degloving injuries include motorcycle accidents where the rider's face hits the pavement, industrial accidents involving machinery, and even animal attacks.

Treatment Options for A Facial Degloving Injury

Prompt and appropriate medical intervention is crucial when dealing with facial degloving injuries. The primary objective of treatment is to restore both function and aesthetics to the affected area. The treatment plan often involves a multidisciplinary approach that includes plastic surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, and other specialists.

1. Emergency Care: Immediate medical attention is required to control bleeding, prevent infection, and stabilize the patient's condition. Life-saving measures take precedence before addressing the cosmetic aspects of the injury.

2. Debridement and Cleaning: Surgical debridement is performed to remove damaged tissues and prevent infection. Cleaning the affected area helps prepare it for further reconstructive procedures.

3. Reconstructive Surgery: Depending on the severity of the injury, reconstructive surgery, a form of plastic surgery, may involve reattaching the degloved tissue, grafting tissue from other parts of the body, and reconstructing the underlying bones and structures. Microsurgery techniques are often used for delicate tissue repair.

4. Skin Grafts and Flaps: Skin grafts, where healthy skin is taken from one area of the body and transplanted to the injured area, and tissue flaps, which involve transferring tissue along with its blood supply, are commonly employed to aid in the healing process.

5. Physical Therapy: Post-surgery, physical therapy plays a crucial role in regaining muscle strength, function, and range of motion. It also helps reduce scarring and enhances the overall recovery process.

Legal Considerations in Facial Degloving Injury Cases

Victims of facial degloving injuries may face extensive medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of wages, and a diminished quality of life. Legal considerations are essential for ensuring that victims receive fair compensation for their physical, emotional, and financial damages.

1. Negligence and Liability: In cases where the injury resulted from someone else's negligence, such as a motor vehicle accident caused by a reckless driver, the victim may be entitled to file a personal injury claim against the responsible party.

2. Comparative Fault: Legal jurisdictions vary, but some apply comparative fault rules. If the victim is found partially at fault for the accident, the compensation awarded may be reduced in proportion to their level of responsibility.

In Illinois, the legal principle of comparative fault plays a significant role when seeking compensation for injuries sustained in accidents such as facial degloving. Comparative fault, also known as comparative negligence, refers to the legal concept that allows for the allocation of responsibility and compensation based on the degree of fault attributed to each party involved in an incident. Understanding how immediate comparative fault factors into the case is essential for anyone seeking compensation after experiencing a facial degloving injury in Illinois.

Illinois follows a modified comparative fault system, specifically the "51% Rule." This means that an injured party can recover compensation as long as their degree of fault for the accident is not greater than 50%. In cases where an injured party's fault is deemed to be 51% or more, they are barred from recovering any compensation from other parties involved.

Immediate Comparative Fault Factors in Facial Degloving Injury Cases

Multiple Parties Involved: In some cases, multiple parties might share responsibility for the accident that led to the facial degloving injury. Immediate comparative fault comes into play when determining each party's contribution to the accident and the extent of their liability.

Adherence to Safety Rules: If it is determined that you did not follow safety rules, were not using personal protective equipment, or were engaging in risky behavior at the time of the accident, your degree of fault might be increased. This could impact the compensation you are eligible to receive.

Evidence and Witnesses: The evidence and testimonies collected at the scene of the accident play a critical role in establishing fault. Witnesses' accounts, photographs, videos, and expert opinions can help reconstruct the sequence of events and determine each party's role in causing the facial degloving injury.

Comparative Assessment: When pursuing compensation, the legal process involves assessing the actions of all parties involved. If your actions are found to have contributed to the accident, your compensation award could be reduced proportionately to your degree of fault.

Defendant's Defense Strategy: The defendant's legal team might try to shift blame onto the injured party to minimize their own liability. In such cases, your attorney's ability to counter these arguments with evidence and expert testimony becomes crucial.

Contributory Negligence: Illinois adheres to a modified comparative fault system, meaning you can still seek compensation even if you are partially at fault. However, the compensation you receive will be reduced according to your degree of fault.

Insurance Adjusters: When dealing with insurance companies, adjusters might attempt to attribute a higher degree of fault to the injured party to reduce the settlement amount. Having an attorney to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf is essential to ensure your rights are protected.

Understanding how immediate comparative fault factors into the case is vital for anyone seeking compensation after experiencing a facial degloving injury in Illinois. The application of comparative fault principles can significantly influence the outcome of a legal claim and impact the amount of compensation a victim receives. It's essential to work with an experienced personal injury attorney who can navigate the complexities of comparative fault laws, gather evidence, and build a strong case to maximize the compensation you rightfully deserve.

3. Insurance Claims: Dealing with insurance companies can be complex. Having legal representation can help ensure that victims are not taken advantage of by insurance adjusters seeking to settle for less than they deserve.

4. Long-Term Damages: Facial degloving injuries often have long-lasting physical and psychological effects. Legal experts can help victims assess their future medical needs and emotional trauma to ensure they receive adequate compensation.

5. Statute of Limitations: It's essential to be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim. Failure to file within the specified timeframe could result in the loss of the right to seek compensation.

Facial degloving injuries are severe and traumatic events that can lead to significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges for victims. Prompt medical intervention, often involving complex surgical procedures, is crucial for recovery. From a legal perspective, victims of facial degloving injuries may have options for seeking compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress. Understanding the causes, treatment options, and legal considerations surrounding facial degloving injuries is essential for providing support and advocating for the rights of those affected by this devastating injury.

Immediate Steps to Take After Experiencing Facial Degloving Injury in Illinois

Experiencing a facial degloving injury can be a traumatic event, and taking the right steps immediately afterward is essential for ensuring your health, safety, and potential legal claims. If you or someone you know has suffered from a facial degloving injury in Illinois, here's what you should do right away:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. Seek immediate medical attention, whether it's through calling 911, visiting the emergency room, or getting medical help at the scene of the accident. A prompt assessment and treatment by medical professionals can prevent complications and increase the chances of successful recovery.

2. Document the Scene: If possible, document the scene of the accident. Take photographs of the area where the incident occurred, the vehicles involved (if applicable), any hazards, and any visible injuries. These photos can later serve as evidence to support your version of events.

3. Obtain Witness Information: If there were witnesses to the incident, gather their contact information. Their testimonies could be valuable in establishing the sequence of events and verifying your account of what happened.

4. Report the Incident: If your facial degloving injury was the result of an accident, such as a car collision or workplace accident, report the incident to the appropriate authorities. For motor vehicle accidents, contact the local police and file a police report. For workplace accidents, inform your employer and ensure the incident is properly documented.

5. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any evidence that might be relevant to your case. This includes clothing worn during the incident, any objects involved in the accident, and any documents related to the incident.

6. Collect Medical Records: Keep a record of all medical treatment you receive, including hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and follow-up appointments. These records will be crucial in demonstrating the extent of your injuries and the medical care you required.

7. Contact an Attorney: If you believe your facial degloving injury was caused by someone else's negligence, it's important to consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can guide you through the legal process, help preserve evidence, and ensure your rights are protected.

8. Do Not Give Statements: If contacted by insurance companies, the responsible party's legal representation, or investigators, refrain from providing statements until you've consulted with your attorney. Anything you say at this stage could be used against you later.

9. Follow Medical Advice: Adhere to your medical treatment plan and follow your healthcare provider's advice. This not only aids in your physical recovery but also demonstrates your commitment to your well-being, which can be important in legal proceedings.

10. Keep Records: Maintain records of all expenses related to your injury, including medical bills, prescription costs, rehabilitation expenses, and any costs associated with modifications to your living environment due to the injury.

Remember that the laws surrounding personal injury cases, such as facial degloving injuries, can be complex and vary from state to state. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney in Illinois is crucial to understanding your rights, pursuing a legal claim, and seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries, damages, and emotional distress.

Call Palermo Law Group today at (630) 684-2332 for a free consultation with nationally recognized personal injury lawyer, Mario Palermo regarding the best approach to obtaining compensation for your injuries.

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